Di era digital saat ini, platform media sosial seperti TikTok telah menjadi salah satu sumber hiburan paling populer, menghadirkan berbagai video kreatif yang menarik dan lucu. Namun, banyak pengguna yang ingin menyimpan video favorit mereka tanpa watermark agar bisa dibagikan di platform lain atau untuk dinikmati secara offline. Di sinilah SSSTikTok hadir […]
Post Tagged with: "Telkom University"
Apa itu XR VS VR? Apa Perbedaan Antara XR & VR?
Tentu saja, banyak orang yang belum tahu tentang Virtual Reality (VR) & Extended Reality (XR) Mari kita bahas pengertian XR vs VR terlebih dahulu. Ranah teknologi imersif berkembang pesat, memperkenalkan sejumlah besar istilah dan konsep yang seringkali membingungkan. Di antaranya, Extended Reality (XR) dan Virtual Reality (VR) adalah dua yang […]
Multicloud Compatibility: Navigating Tech Integration
Compatibility is a concept that includes the extent to which two or more elements can operate together without significant conflict or obstacles. In the context of technology, compatibility refers to the ability of hardware, software, or systems to work together or integrate without glaring problems. In other words, the degree […]
Is Futuristic Technology Interesting? Check Out the Explanation
Futuristic Technology? Does anyone already know about futuristic technology? Futuristic technology is a term that refers to various innovations and technological developments that are expected to occur in the future, often in a fairly distant period of time and may not even be fully thought of. Futuristic technology refers to […]
Readiness of Industries to Face the Industry 4.0 Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
The world is currently standing at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, commonly referred to as Industry 4.0. This revolutionary phase is characterized by the integration of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and data analytics, among others, into the industrial sector. It is […]
Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting the World Through Innovation
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. IoT is not just a buzzword; it’s a technological revolution that is changing the way we perceive and interact with […]
Keuntungan Memilih Asrama Telkom University untuk Mahasiswa Baru
Ketika siswa baru memulai perjalanan akademis mereka, salah satu keputusan penting yang perlu mereka buat adalah memilih akomodasi yang sesuai. Telkom University menawarkan pilihan asrama yang komprehensif dan ramah mahasiswa yang hadir dengan berbagai manfaat. Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membahas mengapa mahasiswa angkatan baru harus mempertimbangkan untuk memilih […]
Telkom University New Student Selection Registration Flow that You Should Understand!
Telkom University is one of the private universities located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. In addition, Telkom University has succeeded in ranking first in the Best Private Universities in Indonesia. By becoming the Best Private University, many of the community, especially those who have just graduated from college, want to […]
Procedures for Registration of Telkom Postgraduate University
The beginning of the establishment of Telkom University was due to the change of Telkom College of Technology or STT Telkom to Telkom Institute of Technology or IT Telkom in 2007. Telkom University itself is a combination of Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, STISI Telkom and Telkom […]
Program Pendidikan PJJ untuk Program Pascasarjana di Telkom University
Sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta atau PTS terbaik di Indonesia, kampus Telkom University secara sigap beradaptasi dengan laju teknologi yang semakin pesat pada saat ini. Karena itulah, demi menunjang mobilitas tinggi para calon mahasiswa di era digital seperti saat ini tak hanya pendaftaran online di smb.telkom University, PTS satu […]
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