The world is currently standing at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, commonly referred to as Industry 4.0. This revolutionary phase is characterized by the integration of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and data analytics, among others, into the industrial sector. It is […]
Articles by: ekobahranadinata
Readiness of Industries to Face the Industry 4.0 Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
The world is currently standing at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, commonly referred to as Industry 4.0. This revolutionary phase is characterized by the integration of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and data analytics, among others, into the industrial sector. It is […]
Telkom University New Student Selection Registration Flow that You Should Understand!
Telkom University is one of the private universities located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. In addition, Telkom University has succeeded in ranking first in the Best Private Universities in Indonesia. By becoming the Best Private University, many of the community, especially those who have just graduated from college, want to […]
Telkom University New Student Selection Registration Flow that You Should Understand!
Telkom University is one of the private universities located in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. In addition, Telkom University has succeeded in ranking first in the Best Private Universities in Indonesia. By becoming the Best Private University, many of the community, especially those who have just graduated from college, want to […]
Procedures for Registration of Telkom Postgraduate University
The beginning of the establishment of Telkom University was due to the change of Telkom College of Technology or STT Telkom to Telkom Institute of Technology or IT Telkom in 2007. Telkom University itself is a combination of Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, STISI Telkom and Telkom […]
Procedures for Registration of Telkom Postgraduate University
The beginning of the establishment of Telkom University was due to the change of Telkom College of Technology or STT Telkom to Telkom Institute of Technology or IT Telkom in 2007. Telkom University itself is a combination of Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, STISI Telkom and Telkom […]
Program Pendidikan PJJ untuk Program Pascasarjana di Telkom University
Sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Swasta atau PTS terbaik di Indonesia, kampus Telkom University secara sigap beradaptasi dengan laju teknologi yang semakin pesat pada saat ini. Karena itulah, demi menunjang mobilitas tinggi para calon mahasiswa di era digital seperti saat ini tak hanya pendaftaran online di smb.telkom University, PTS satu […]
PJJ Education Program for Postgraduate Program at Telkom University
As one of the best private universities or private universities in Indonesia, Telkom University campus is swiftly adapting to the rapid pace of technology at this time. Therefore, in order to support the high mobility of prospective students in the digital era like today, not only online registration at smb.telkom […]
Membanggakan Jajaran Mahasiswa Universitas Telkom, Patut Dicontoh
Universitas Telkom merupakan salah satu kampus swasta yang ada di Indonesia. Meskipun berusia muda, tetapi kampus ini memiliki prestasi yang sangat membanggakan. Tel U berhasil menyabet gelar sebagai kampus swasta nomor 1 di Indonesia. Sungguh suatu pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa, bukan? Kondisi Universitas Telkom yang sangat berprestasi ini tentu […]
Proud Achievements of Telkom University Students, Exemplary
Telkom University is one of the private campuses in Indonesia. Although it is young, but this campus has very proud achievements. Tel U managed to win the title as the number 1 private campus in Indonesia. What a remarkable achievement, isn’t it? The condition of Telkom University, which is very […]
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