Home » Facilities


      Investment in Library

      Sporting Facilities
 1 Building and Facilities Map –Download
 2 Evidence of Sport Facilities –Download
 3 Tenancy Letter of Lodaya Field –Download
 – Capacity of Lodaya Field –Download
 – Explaination about Utilization of Lodaya Field –Download
      Sports Coaches
 1 Evidence of Sport CouchDownload
 2 Official Letter of Sport Coach (ZIP)Download
      Rooms in student residences
 1 Evidence of Student ResidencesDownload
 2 Internet Network MapDownload
      Computers on campus
 1 Total number of Computers in CampusDownload
      Student Accommodation Rooms with Internet access
 1 Evidence of Student Accommodation Rooms with Internet accessDownload
 2 Internet Network MapDownload
      Campus area with WIFI access
 1 Evidence of Campus area with WIFI accessDownload
      Investment in Library
 1 Evidence of Investment in LibraryDownload
 2 Books (ZIP)Download
      Dedicated sports Medical Staff
 1 Coorperation Agreement between YPT and TelkomedikaDownload
 2 Evidence of Dedicated Sport Medical StaffDownload
 3 Support Evidence of Support for Medical FacilitiesDownload
      Medical centre for students – facilities
 1 Evidence of Medical EquipmentsDownload
      Medical centre for students – medical doctor
 1 Coorperation Agreement between YPT and TelkomedikaDownload
 2 Evidence of Medical Doctor and Qualified NurseDownload
 3 Official Letter of Doctors and Nurses (ZIP)Download
      Medical centre for students – qualified nurse
 1 Coorperation Agreement between YPT and TelkomedikaDownload
 2 Evidence of Medical Doctor and Qualified NurseDownload
 3 Official Letter of Doctors and Nurses (ZIP)Download
      Student Societies nurse
 1 Evidence of Student SocietyDownload
 2 Official Letter of Student Society 2016 (ZIP)Download
 3 Official Letter of Student Society 2017 (ZIP)Download